Dictionary-For-School-Project-How-To-Make-pictorial-dictionary-dictionary for school project-Beautiful Handmade Dictionary

  Dictionary -For-School-Project-How-To-Make-pictorial-dictionary-dictionary for school project-Beautiful Handmade Dictionary is very useful for every age of student because it helps search words as well as synonyms. students can find any word easily through the dictionary. It is an easy source to find any type of word and learn different words. Although there are so many sources to search different vocabulary dictionary is one of the better sources. Individuals can easily search words through alphabets. It is also easy to carry. In this modern era, dictionaries are available with pictures, now also is too easy to learn words. Dictionary-For-School-Project-How-To-Make-pictorial-dictionary-dictionary for school project-Beautiful Handmade Dictionary

What is SEO/ Search Engine Optimization and How it works?


With more than 400 million websites active worldwide, what are the chances that someone will land on your website? The obvious answer to the question is that there are no chances, especially if you are new to the digital world. You may be present in Google's ranking order but if you are not positioned on the first page as the result of the search query users, then my dear friends your business is not visible to anyone.

Figures validate enough that users don’t go beyond the first or second page of search engines for getting answers to their search query. However, to have engagement and higher visibility, you ought to implement the basic, yet the most imperative technique referred to as SEO. Read the blog to have a comprehensive overview of the technique and learn why it has become so important in the present era.

Let's get started!

What is SEO/ Search Engine Optimization and How it works?

According to 60+ digital marketing experts, SEO also known as Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing your online platform for getting your website’s pages ranked on the search engines such as Google.

It is the art and science of optimizing the content and web pages so that your website appears at a prominent place on the search engine. Search engine optimization generates the best results only if it is implemented rightly and after an in-depth understanding of the process.

Let’s proceed by understanding how SEO works?

Now, to begin with, understanding the working of Google’s search engine is imperative. We must have heard about Hummingbird, Penguin, SERP and many more, but what are these?

They are the algorithms of Google incorporated at the back end that execute purposely to determine the rank of your online platform depending on several factors including quality, authenticity, security compliance, user engagement, relevancy and much more.

But how do these algorithms check all the mentioned factors?

Here’s the process that tends to occur:

Google (or any web index you're utilizing) consists of crawlers that focus on assembling data from the bunch of material present on the internet.

The crawlers then return each of those in the binary form that is 1s and 0s back to the internet searcher to construct a list. That list is then taken care of through a calculation that attempts to coordinate such information with your question.

Then based on every metric as the input to the algorithm determines your rank for the particular search query and shows the user.

What are the types of SEO?

Search engine optimization can be categorically divided into two main streams which are both used.

However, both have their own set of rewards and challenges. SEO can be divided into:

White Hat SEO: White hat seo can be referred to as the long path to success but the ethical one. The type mainly focuses on making your website optimized for the users and not the search engine, which practically is an excellent practice for long term success.

You incline towards every organic practice for ranking your website slowly and steadily, which assures a rock-solid position for your website. It includes quality and unique content, organic links and all the ethical marketing channels.

Black Hat SEO: Talking about the black hat seo, it is the opposite of white as the name suggests and proves to generate the success results faster. However, with this kind of seo your business indulges with more crappy websites and the easier you get success, the more you get closer to falling in the pit of failure.

The technique includes all duplicate content, links on unethical websites, overstuffing of keywords, redirection to irrelevant websites and much more.

What is On-page SEO?

Every enhancement and alteration performed on your website falls under the category of “On-page” search engine optimization. Everything done or undone on your website contributes to enhancing or degrading your website. Hence, the term on-page seo is a self-explanatory term and includes the following penned down techniques to increase your rank on the search engine.

  • Content is the king
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Headings and titles
  • URL of the page
  • Meta descriptions
  • User interface
  • Attributes used for describing the images
  • Site structure

What is Off-page SEO?

Off-page search engine optimization includes all the set of practices that are implemented out of the boundary of your online platform. To have more clarity, try to understand the meaning of the word itself “Off-Page SEO”, that means something that is performed not on the page, yet it contributes in being the game-changer for your platform.

Talking about the off-page seo, we have jotted the list of all the techniques that fall under this category and enhances the position of your website.

  • Link Building
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Brand Mentions
  • Forum Submissions
  • Blog Commenting
  • Directory Submissions
  • Classified Ads

What are the advantages of SEO?

With the plethora of advantages that are associated with the rightly implemented search engine optimization process, the enlisted benefits are the most crucial. Thus the technique primarily focuses on inducing these benefits to your platform.

Expands the inbound traffic

Optimizing your site both off-page and on-page, helps you create a rock-solid position on Google's search engine. It enhances the visibility of your business and thus helps in engaging suitable clients to arrive at your site.

Effective incorporation of search engine optimization techniques consequently improves the credibility of your website and helps your business to be at the top among all your competitors.

Brand Awareness

It is appropriately said that brand awareness can represent the moment of truth in your business. Search engine optimization is considered to mark the perfect onset of creating awareness of your brand among the right set of audience and thus engaging the right people at the right time.

Great SEO is straightforwardly corresponding to the visibility of your brand. Visibility is referred to as the vital job player in spreading familiarity with your brand.

Enhances the client experience

Any business positions when it is effective in fulfilling the needs of its clients. It is said that clients trust each other more than the advertisers trust one another. Therefore, SEO incorporated effectively transfigures your website by making it far superior in terms of user experience

Search engine optimization is a one-stop solution that empowers you to add specific highlights to the site that help in balanced commitment with your client.

Better Conversion Rate

The exceptionally targeted SEO causes help to convert every guest to your site into a potential client which significantly increases the conversion rate. Incorporation of on-page and off-page SEO lets you draw in likely clients to your business.


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